Such a mechanic makes low pop zones still have activities if you are just running by and see a dolmen pop up rather than it being stuck on a spawn that is difficult to access. Shadowfen is zone in The Elder Scrolls Online, it is Base Alliance Zone. I've come across some dolmens with only two left, though I never thought to try and camp out to see the dolmen despawn, so I could be mistaken. The crowd of NPC summoners will spawn in and then gradually despawn. I'm pretty sure a dolmen will despawn if no one comes and does it. Meaning that when you do Greenshade dolmens, unless someone swims for 5 minutes and go do the broken coast dolmen, the other 2 will never spawn.

So dolmen 2 only becomes active when dolmen 1 goes down, and dolmen 3 only becomes active when dolmen 2 goes down, etc. Iirc Dolmens don't "respawn", they go on a rotation. So dolmen 2 only becomes active when dolmen 1 goes down, and dolmen 3 only becomes active when dolmen 2 goes down, etc.

The only zone I don't like for FG dailies is A'likr because the dolmens are so loaded with players. And since we have the option to abandon any quest we just abandon it if we feel. Average dolmen respawn time is 9 minutes though I've seen it range from extremes of 6 to 12 minutes. It cold put a waypoint on our map/compass to lead us to the respect shrine. Usually I pull these in groups of 3-4 because they are a bit. Here, you should find plenty of Clannfears and Daedroths.

To access the best XP grinding area, walk up the stairs from the wayshrine and take the first left. I find every zone easy enough for the FG daily since I just go to the 'best' one and camp it for 3 cycles. Dune is another great grinding location in the Aldemeri Dominion faction zone of Reaper’s March.